It is believed that cassava is consumed by over 500 million people worldwide. However, if eaten raw, it can pose risks due to the harmful compounds it contains.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 200 people die due to consumption of cassava annually.
“This often happens during times of famine and war. Cyanide in cassava is associated with acute cyanide poisoning and several diseases including konzo.
“Konzo is an irreversible spastic paraparesis of sudden onset, associated with the consumption of bitter cassava 22, 23 and a low protein intake. It is a disease of extreme poverty. Konzo mostly occurs in epidemics, but sporadic cases are also reported.”
If cooked and consumed properly and moderately – by soaking peeled cassava in water 24 hours before preparation, or by boiling it and drying it in the sun – cassava is a significant source of carbs, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.